#1183: “I have little faith in the analytical powers of the feminine brain…” – The Penguin Book of Victorian Women in Crime [ss] (2011) ed. Michael Sims

Serendipity brought the superb Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime [ss] (2009) edited by Michael Sims to my awareness, and highlighted Sims’ erudition and excellent coverage of Victorian crime fiction, an era of the genre which is holding an increasing fascination for me. And so the opportunity to read another Sims-edited collection was to be seized with alacrity.

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#1077: “A gleeful disregard for law, and an ungentlemanly pride in his own cleverness.” – The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime [ss] (2009) ed. Michael Sims

Subtitled Con Artists, Burglars, Rogues, and Scoundrels from the Time of Sherlock Holmes, The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime [ss] (2009) collects twelve stories originally published between 1896 and 1919 — an era which I find myself increasingly interested in, giving birth as it did to the Golden Age of the 1920s-40s.

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